Ex 4.) Selecting Applications, Libraries and Compilers

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There are a large number of pre-installed applications, libraries and compilers on Sciama. Access to these packages is via a tool called module.  More information on Sciama modules can be found here. You can also use the help page.:-

module help

To see all available modules or packages try :-

module av


Try running the statistical computing environment called “R” . Type the following on the command line:-


An error message will be displayed:-

bash: R: command not found

Now try to try the correct module name for the latest version of R available on Sciama and load it. As a system (system/intel64) is already loaded by default (if you have not purged/unloaded it since), all dependencies are already resolved and you can simply use

module load

(where you replace with the name of the module).

This loads the module for R which adds the respective application folder containing the binary of the application to the search path of your shell ($PATH). You can check this by running

echo $PATH

Now try running R from the command line again.

This time the “R” environment should start. Use quit() to close it and to return to your shell. Log out and log back in .

Trying running R again.

You will notice that R is missing from your $PATH again.

Check the module man page (man module) to find the command that will make R available every time you log in.

hint: it will automatically add the load command to $HOME/.modules


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