The Universe contains hundreds of billions of galaxies. Galaxies shine because they contain billions of stars, which emit energy out of nuclear fusion of Hydrogen and Helium into heavier elements such as Carbon, Nitrogen and Oxygen. Theoretical astrophysics models the physics of galaxies and seeks to understand how galaxies like our own Milky Way have evolved from the Big Bang up to our present epoch. Professor Maraston shall present the state-of-art of interpretative models for which the University of Portsmouth is now one of the few schools in the worldwide community, and how these relate to forefront observational data taken from ground-based telescope and space satellites.
Date: Wednesday 15 October 2014
Time: 6-7pm, followed by a drinks reception
Venue: Portland Building, Portland Street, Portsmouth PO1 3AH
Admission is free, but please reserve your place on Eventbrite