Abstract: Many cosmological problems require three-dimensional all-sky galaxy catalogues reaching beyond the very local universe. As the currently deepest all-sky spectroscopic survey (2MRS) has mean z=0.03 only, such datasets at larger redshifts and covering more than 2pi sterad are available only from combining imaging surveys at different wavelengths and estimating photometric redshifts. I will present two such photo-z catalogues – 2MPZ and WISE x SuperCOSMOS – which are unique in terms of their combination of sky coverage (respectively ~4pi and ~3pi sterad) and depth (z<0.2 and z<0.4). They have already found and are continuously finding various cosmological uses, and I will discuss some of them, in particular those that I am involved in. These include detailed local cosmography (crucial in the recent discovery of the Vela Supercluster); universal isotropy and homogeneity tests; cross-correlations with other all-sky datasets, such as Planck CMB lensing or Fermi gamma-ray background; and even searches for electromagnetic counterparts of gravitational wave emitters.