Title: Looking at the Universe through standard observables
Standard observables (e.g. SNIa, BAO, CMB) provide a unique and powerful way to test cosmological models and constrain cosmological parameters. However to derive bounds from these data, it is typically required to calibrate them with external information which leads, inevitably, to calibration-dependent constraints.
In this talk, I will discuss the main features of the standard observables that are commonly used in the literature and show that with a suitable combination of those observables it is possible to overcome the need of calibrating them. To do so, I will introduce a novel data analysis technique that combines the strength of Monte Carlo sampling and Gaussian process regression (the GPMC) and allows us to derive cosmological quantities from the data themselves with minimal assumptions. I will show that using standard observables and the GPMC it is possible to uncover some features that pave the way for a resolution of cosmological tensions.