Title: Cosmology from the anisotropic bispectrum and trispectrum: prospects and tests on N-body simulations
Current and future spectroscopic surveys such as DESI and Euclid will cover an observed volume at least one order of magnitude larger than current state-of-the-art surveys. The increased signal-to-noise will allow higher-order statistics to significantly improve the constraints on cosmological parameters when added to the standard 2-point analyses. I will present a full-shape analysis on N-body simulations measurements including anisotropic power spectrum, bispectrum and trispectrum. For the first time, using a survey-like tracers density, the complementarity in terms of cosmological information of both isotropic/anisotropic bispectrum and trispectrum signals is demonstrated. In particular, compared to the state-of-the-art power spectrum (monopole plus quadrupole) and bispectrum (monopole) analyses, these new statistics yield a reduction of 1-sigma error-bars of (72%,78%,72%,47%,46%) for the $$(f,\sigma_8,f_\mr{nl},\alpha_\parallel,\alpha_\perp)$$ parameters respectively.