ICG has been delighted this week to welcome five young people from local schools (Brune Park, Gosport; Portsmough High School, and Kings School, Winchester) for a period of work experience.
The students participated in a variety of events, and were each matched with a supervisor to work on a research project. The week ended today with a research symposium for the students to present their projects.
Our visit to the virtual reality lab in CCi was a big hi-light for everyone. Below the students play with haptics and immersive VR. We also viewed a special 3D movie showing the structure of galaxies and large scale structure of the Universe.
Pictures from the research symposium.
All students reported that this week has encouraged them to be more likely to continue Physics to A-level, to pursue a physics related career and talk with their friends about how interesting physics is, which we think is a great result. All supervisors were really impressed at the level of the projects and the presentations.